Objects of a Business Improvement Board
((Taken from - The City of Winnipeg, Business Improvement Zone Procedures By-Law; # 8111/2002))
A zone shall be governed and administered by a board established by city by-law.
The objects of a board are
To beautify, improve and maintain real property of the City in the zone subject to the authorization by Council, and
to promote improvements and economic development in the zone.
A board is hereby given authority to:
conduct or commission any studies and prepare any designs which may be necessary to attain its objects;
develop or assist in the establishment of parking or other facilities that will promote economic development in the zone;
organize and support events designed to attract business to the zone and to encourage the development of new businesses in the zone;
establish the internal management procedures of the board;
adopt rules and procedures that are not inconsistent with this By-law to govern the conduct of meetings of the board and committees appointed by the board; and
take other actions to carry out its objects.
The Duties of a Board Member; (Board Governance)
The function of a board and a Board member is to:
Establish and implement the organization’s mandate
Confirm the organization’s identity in the community by generating excitement and enthusiasm, encouraging community involvement and advocating for increased support
Set goals and determine action steps and time frames to reach the goals
Provide continuity for the governance and management of the organization although board and staff may change
Provide leadership, vision and accountability to membership and the community at large
Due Diligence of a BIZ Board Member - duties
Board members need to demonstrate the appropriate due diligence regarding their responsibilities in running the organization. This includes, but is not limited to:
Being aware of duties and responsibilities
Acting within organization bylaws
Complying with all laws and legal requirements
Declaring and refraining from conflicts of interest
Knowing the business relationships of the organization
Acting on an informed basis, always in the best interest of the organization
Seeking and consulting the appropriate training and resources to guide board decision making
Exercising care in situations that any reasonable person in a similar situation would do
Membership of a BIZ member to the BOARD
A member of a board must be a proprietor, director or an employee of a member business.
An individual ceases to be a member of the board who:
has served three consecutive terms on the board; or
resigns from the board by sending written notice to the Chair of the board to that effect; or
fails to attend three consecutive regular meetings of the board unless his or her absence is authorized by resolution of the board; or
is hired as a full-time employee by the City; or
ceases to be a proprietor, director or an employee of a business in the zone; or
is removed from the board by resolution of Council.
Term of a BIZ board member
the term of a board member is two years and runs with the fiscal year of the zone.
No more than a bare majority of terms of board members may end in any year so that approximately half of the terms terminate annually.
Election of a board member
Elections to the board shall take place at the Annual General Meeting.
An individual may stand as a candidate for election to the board if he or she
will be eligible to serve as a board member at the onset of his or her term;
has been nominated in writing by proprietors, directors or employees from at least ten different member businesses; and
has declared in writing that he or she will serve on the board if elected.
approximately half of the terms of board members should terminate annually, after a two year term, and they may either re-run for another two year term, or step down from the board.